Report a Child Safety Concern

Report a Child Safe Concern

If you or a child you are concerned about is in immediate danger or their life is at risk, please call Police on 000 immediately.

This form is for both children and adults to use. Calisthenics Victoria has trained staff who will read your report and determine the next steps to be taken.

If you require assistance or would like to talk to a trained professional about the issues you are worried about, please call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline on 13 11 14. 

Please note: Please be careful to provide correct contact details in case we require further information. Please also note that if you do not provide contact information or the details provided are insufficient to take your concern further this may result in the concern not being able to be progressed.

of the person completing this form

You may be reporting your own concerns or the concerns of another person