
Through affiliation and registration CaliVic Clubs, performers & coaches are covered by the following insurances:

  • Management Liability (clubs)
  • Public Indemnity (clubs)
  • Personal Accident (performers, coaches & club volunteers - optional)
  • Professional Indemnity (coaches)
  • Child Molestation (clubs) 

Sometimes recovery from an injury can take time and careful handling to ensure a good outcome.  As insurance does not cover a pre-existing injury, a participant should obtain a written clearance from a medical practitioner before resuming training.

Please note that if a participant is wearing a plaster cast, (e.g fractured arm), then they will not be covered by accident insurance.  It is then the parent’s and Club’s decision on whether a performer participates in class/competition.  Parents should be notified in writing that the peformer is not covered by insurance, but this does not ensure that the Club would not be held liable for future medical costs, should the participant further injure themselves at the class/competition.

Accident insurance does not cover an unborn child, or complications with the pregnancy. If a participant wishes to continue with the sport whilst pregnant, they should obtain a clearance from their medical practitioner on a monthly basis.  There is no set rule as to when they stop participating in the sport.

First Aid Treatment Form Incident Report Form
Certificate of Currency  
Make a Claim & Policy Information  



Honan Insurance Group are Calisthenics Victoria's insurance brokers. 

About Honan: As an Australian insurance broker operating since 1964, One of Honan’s key differentiators is our ability to manage and place unique and complex risk profiles.

Honan Sport:

Honan Insurance Brokers:

If you have any insurance needs please feel free to reach out to the team.