
Exemptions Process

Exemption process


Age Exemptions

If you wish to apply for an exemption for a performer to participate outside their correct age group, then you need to apply to CaliVic with all the relevant details (including a medical practitioner’s report, etc., if relevant). Exemptions made by CaliVic are for the current year only. Exemptions must be made via the forms below. 

Performers do not need permission to compete in an older section, Sub Juniors through to Intermediates, but they are not permitted to compete in Seniors under 16 years of age. There are exceptions to this rule, so for a more detailed explanation please read a copy of the Team Rules. Please also note the minimum age for Competitive Masters in 26 years. 

Age Exemption Request Form


Special Consideration Letter

Should a club have peformers with special needs they can apply for special consideration. Clubs can also touch base with CaliVic to assist in special arrangements such as connection of Hearing Aids to speakers at competition venues etc. 

Special Consideration Request Form