Fair Access Policy

Fair Access Policy

The Fair Access Policy Roadmap commenced in August 2022 and addresses recommendation 6 for the Victorian Government enquiry into Women and Girls in Sport and Active Recreation.

Recommendation 6 ‘Deliver female friendly built environments and equitable facility usage policies’.

To achieve the equitable provision of and access to high quality female friendly sport and active recreation facilities, which will support existing and new participation opportunities, state and local government, as well as the sector must work together.

Fair Access Targets

By October 1 2024, all local government in Victoria have gender equitable access and use policies in place for community sports infrastructure.

How is this relevant to Calisthenics Clubs

The promotional material and marketing does not reflect calisthenics – BUT calisthenics should still be a part of any conversation as new facilities are created and usage of facilities is considered to ensure gender equity.  Club leaders need to be aware this policy exists and to ensure in any facilities conversation with local government they reference the policy.

To learn more read here https://changeourgame.vic.gov.au/leadership-centre/fair-access

For more information contact mollie.ponting@calisthenics.asn.au